I am a research student interested in studying quantum many-body problems from quantum chemistry and AMO physics.
Currently, I am working with Prof. Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, as a junior research fellow (JRF) in the MolDis group at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research — Hyderabad, India.
I received my B.Sc.(Honors) followed by an M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
After my undergrad, I volunteered to teach at local schools for a brief period before going back to my alma mater to get a masters degree.
Further, I joined the graduate program at the University of Rochester in August 2019. Due to sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic,
I wanted to return to India and therefore decided to graduate from my program with an M.S. in Chemistry.
During the first year of my M.Sc., I took up a learning project with Prof. Sai Sathish Ramamurthy, who worked on
developing low-cost plasmonic biosensors. In the summer of that year, I got a chance to continue working in the field of
plasmonics with Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research(TIFR) through the Visiting
Student Research Program(VSRP) fellowship. While I was working on experiments to fabricate optical nanostructures during
my internship, I also got introduced to the idea of playing with simple theoretical models. This motivated me to work on
an independent project to develop theoretical models to study exciton transport in conjugated polymers for my master's
Soon after my graduation, I spent the summer working with Prof. Upendra Harbola at the Indian Institute
of Science to look at transport models from the perspective of discrete-time random walks.